Seal Scare


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Equipo Espanta Lobos Marinos " Db Pluss II" mas potente del Mundo, Efectividad de Aprox. 98%, Proteccion Real de 3.000 Metros Cuadrados



    El sistema disuasivo - Espanta lobos-marinos- dB Plus II de la AIRMAR, no reduce, solamente, el problema con estos predadores, sino que lo elimina Completamente.

    Experimente los beneficios de la completa eliminacion de los ataques de lobos-marinos sin daño fisico , reduciendo el stress de los peces, e incrementando los porcentajes de crecimiento de los mismos.

    Cuatro proyectores, operando desde un transmisor electrico DC, provee pulsos acusticos , los cuales son de la suficientemente intensidad como para causar "significativa molestias" a .los lobos que se aproximen.

    Hay ya mas de cien sistemas en uso en Norte-America sin señales de acostumbramiento de parte de los lobos. AIRMAR esta ahora introduciendo el dB Plus II -Sistema Acustico Disuasivo con numerosos desarrollos y mejoras.

    Aproveche las ventajas de esta innovativa , novedosas tecnologia de los lideres mundiales en Ultrasonidos Marinos.

" Atlantic Aquafarms" han instalado dos "dB Plus II"- Estas unidades continuan dando una excelente cobertura y son consideradas "la piedra angular" de nuestro programa de exclusion de lobos-marinos. En uso desde 1994, no tenemos registrado un solo ataque o incidente con lobos-marinos que haya producido mortandad." David W. Miller , President, ..... etc. etc.

" Como Agentes Aseguradores, no podemos presionar demasiado a nuestros clientes sobre lo importante que son en la prevencion de perdidas , para ellos. Con perdidas por predadores al presente del 50% de todas las perdidas no aseguradas, en Bahia de Fundy, un Cultivador de Salmones no puede estar sin la proteccion de AIRMAR. " R.Terry Trecartin, President

  • Cobertura Maxima : El Sistema dB Plus II da proteccion hasta 3.000 m2.
  • Cuatro (4) Proyectores de sonido submarinos para crear campos superpuestos de sonidos.
  • Cuatro (4) amplificadores independientes de poder o medidas de seguridad del sistema. Luces
  • de Auto Diagnostico en el frente del panel indican el estado de las baterias y modo de
    * Modo Normal opera cuando las baterias y su voltaje esta sobre los 22 VDC
    "Protector" de poder, es activado automaticamente cuando el voltaje cae bajo los 22 VDC.
    Extiende el lapso entre los pulsos sin decaimiento de la fuerza del sonido .. Consumo de la
    electricidad es reducido al 50%
    * Modo de "Cierre" es activado cuando el voltaje cae bajo los 20 VDC.
  • Una Alarma audible de "Insuficiente Poder" suena cuando el Transmisor "cae".
  • Unica "Partida Suave" caracteristica de estos equipos, con una "rampa de salida de 70
  • segundos, da aviso a los buzos y elimina los riesgos de perdidad de percepcion o escucha en
  • Una capacidad externa de Activacion permite que el Sistema sea Activado cuando los
  • predadores sean detectados.
  • Los Proyectores de Sonido estan diseñados para resistir el duro "ambiente" marino.
  • * Provistos con conectores a "prueba del clima" permitiendo facil instalacion
    y reposicionamiento.
    * Cable pueden ser de largos mayores o menores con perdidas de rendimiento
    * Cubiertas de cables de alta visibilidad de excelente resistencia a la abrasion.
    La clave para un "Rendimiento Optimo" , es una apropiada, correcta Seleccion y Mantencion de una apropiada y Confiable " FUENTE DE ENERGIA". En localidades remotas un Sistema regulado en serie, de Paneles Solares / Sistemas Cargadores de Viento, es el Sistema recomendado. Lugares con Energia desde la playa pueden utilizarse mediante uso de Transformadores / Cargadores /Fuente de Poder.
  • Interruptor de Energia del Transmisor puesto en posicion "OFF" previniendo una activacion
  • accidental cuando los buzos estan en el agua
  • Cubierta nylon de Alta Visibilidad para el Transmisor para advertir a los buzos que estan en el
  • agua.
  • El Transmisor incluye un sistema "Suave Puesta en Marcha" , cuya caracteristica es proveer una
  • gradual salida y aumento del sonido -70 segundos- dando aviso a los buzos y reduciendo la
    posibilidad de dañar o herir a los lobos marinos.
  • Suministro de Voltaje : 24VDC.
  • Poder Pulso del Transmisor : 1.8 Kw rms. POR CANAL.
  • Alarma audible de "Insuficiente Poder" : 97 dB (decibeles)
  • Largo standard el cable : 60 mtr. (200 '-pies)
  • Consumo de Energia :1.7 A al max. 100% de Energia. 0.9 A en modo "Salvador/Protector de
  • Energia" que es pre-instalado en fabrica para reduccion del 50%
  • dB Plus II -Cobertura del Sistema : 3.000 mtr2. en plicaciones tipicas de acuicultura.
  • Nota: Esto puede variar para dif. especies y lugares.
  • Repartidores de Energia permiten al Sistema dB Plus II utilizar hasta 8 proyectores de sonido
  • Largo especial de cables a pedido del cliente, hasta 150 mtr.(500 pies)
  • Kits de conectores de cables
  • El Sistema Acustico Disuasivo - dB Plus II esta respaldado por una Garantia de 12 meses de la
  • U.S. Manufacturer's Limited cubriendo defectos en la fabricacion.
  • Nota: Abrir la caja del Transmisor anula la Garantia.
  • Este Sistema esta diseñado para repeler lobos marinos. Efectividad con otras especies o con ejemplares con daños en la audicion o sordos no esta asegurado ni supuesto por anticipado.

    Para asegurar practicas operacionales seguras la etiqueta de la cubierta del Transmisor trae los siguientes avisos para buzos y operadores :

    Perdida Temporal o Permanente de la audicion / oido puede resultar de la exposicion submarina a los sonidos de Alta Intensidad generados por este equipo. El interruptor de este Transmisor debe estar asegurado en posicion "OFF" cada vez que una persona este bajo el agua y dentro del alcance de 150 mtr. de un "transducer" Proyector Emisor"/

    Este Interruptor-Switch- del Transmisor debe estar asegurado en la posicion "OFF" , y la cubierta nylon de Seguridad para Buzos puesta sobre la caja del Transmisor , ANTES DE ENTRAR AL AGUA.
    Si el Sistema esta conectado accidentalmente, se debe salir inmediatamente del agua, al rango de ascenso normal.
    PRECIO: US$ 8.100,00 F.O.B. U.S.A.



    I equip it Frightens Marine Wolves Db Pluss II but potent of the World, Effectiveness of Aprox. 98%, Real protection of 3.000 Square Meters



      The dissuasive system - it Frightens wolf-marines - dB Bonus II of the AIRMAR, doesn't reduce, only, the problem with these predators, but rather it eliminates it Completely.

      Experience the benefits of the complete one elimination of the attacks of wolf-marines without physical damage, reducing the stress of the fish, and increasing the percentages of growth of the same ones.

      Four projectors, operating from a electric transmitter AD, provides acoustic pulses, which are of the sufficiently intensity like it stops to cause significant nuisances to .los wolves that approach.

      There is already but of a hundred systems in use in North-America without acostumbramiento signs on behalf of the wolves. AIRMAR this now introducing the dB Bonus II Dissuasive Acoustic -system with numerous developments and improvements.

      Take advantage of the advantages of this innovative one , the world leaders' novel technology in Ultrasonidos Marinos.

    " Atlantic Aquafarms has installed two dB Bonus II" - These units continue giving an excellent covering and they are considered the angular stone of our program of wolf-marines' exclusion. In use from 1994, we don't have registered a single attack or incident with wolf-marines that it has produced death toll." David W. Miller, President,..... etc. etc.

    " As Agents Aseguradores, not we can press too much to our clients on the important thing that they are in the prevention of lost, for them. With having lost by predators to the present of 50% of all the lost non insureds, in Bay of Fundy, a Farmer of Salmon cannot be without the protection of AIRMAR. " R.Terry Trecartin, President

  • Maximum covering: The System dB Bonus II gives protection up to 3.000 m2.
  • Four (4) submarine sound Projectors to create superimposed fields of sounds.
  • Four (4) independent amplifiers of to be able to or measures of security of the system. Luzes of Car I Diagnose in the front of the panel they indicate the state of the batteries and transmission way
    * Normal way operates when those batteries and their voltage this envelope the 22 Protective VDC of being able to, it is activated automatically when the voltage falls under the 22 VDC. It extends the lapse among the pulses without decline of the force of the sound.. Consumption of the electricity is reduced to 50%
    * Way of " Closing " is activated when the voltage falls under the 20 VDC.
  • An audible Alarm of Insufficient to Be able to sounds when the Transmitter falls.
  • Only Departure Soft characteristic of these teams, with a ramp of exit of 70 seconds, he/she gives warning to the plungers and it eliminates the risks of perdidad of perception or he/she listens in predators.
    An external capacity of Activation allows that the System is Activated when the predators are detected.
  • The Projectors of Sound are designed to resist the marine ambient five pesetas.
  • * Provided with connectors to test of the one climate allowing easy installation and reposicionamiento.
    * Cable can be of long bigger or smaller with lost of yield
    * Covered with cables of high visibility of excellent resistance to the abrasion.
    The key for a Yield Good", it is an appropriate, correct Selection and Mantencion of an appropriate and Reliable SOURCE DE ENERGÍA." In remote towns a System regulated in series, of Solar Panels / Systems Loaders of Wind, it is the recommended System. Places with Energy from the beach can be used by means of use of Transformers / Cargadores /Fuente of Power.
    Switch of Energy of the Transmitter position in position " OFF " preventing an activation accidental when the plungers are in the water
    Covered nylon of High Visibility for the one Transmitter to notice to the plungers that are in the one it dilutes.
    The Transmitter includes a Soft system Setting in March" whose characteristic is to provide one gradual exit and increase of the sound -70 seconds - giving warning to the plungers and reducing the possibility to damage or to hurt the marine wolves.
  • Supply of Voltage: 24VDC.
  • To be able to Pulse of the Transmitter: 1.8 Kw rms. FOR CHANNEL.
  • It alarms audible of Insufficient to Be able to": 97 dB (decibeles)
  • Long standard the cable: 60 mtr. (200 ' -feet)
  • Consumption of Energy :1.7 TO to the max. 100% of Energy. 0.9 to in way Salvador/Protector of Energy that is pre-installed in it manufactures for reduction of 50%
    dB Bonus II -covering of the System: 3.000 mtr2. in typical plicaciones of acuicultura. He/she notices: This can vary for dif. species and places.
  • Dispatchers of Energy allow to the one System dB Bonus II to use up to 8 sound projectors
  • Long special of cables to the client's order, up to 150 mtr. (500 feet)
  • Kits of connectors of cables
  • The Dissuasive Acoustic System - dB Bonus II this supported by a Guarantee of 12 months of the U.S. Manufacturer's Limited covering defects in the production.
  • Notes: To open the box of the Transmitter annuls the Guarantee.
  • This System this designed to repel marine wolves. Effectiveness with other species or with copies with damages in the audition or deaf not this insured neither supposed in advance.

    To assure you practice operational sure the label of the covered with the Transmitter brings the following warnings for plungers and operators:

    DANGER : Lost Storm or Permanent of the audition / heard it can be from the submarine exhibition to the sounds of High Intensity generated by this team. The switch of this Transmitter should be assured in position " OFF " every time that a person this under the water and inside the reach of 150 mtr. of a " transducer " Issuing Projector" /

    This Switch-Switch - of the Transmitter it should be assured in the position " OFF ", and the covered nylon of Security for Plungers put on the box of the Transmitter, BEFORE OF ENTERING TO THE WATER. If the System this connected one accidentally, it should be left the water immediately, to the range of normal ascent. PRICE: US $8.100,00 F.O.B. U.S.A.

    Retornar a Falke
    The Safe, fffective , and portable accusting deterrnt for marine mammals

    In response to customer demand, Aimar now offers a portable, single projector uni. The new dBX combines the succes of our dBPlussII acoustic deterrent system whit the versatility of portable unit.

    Many marine-related businesses find themselves in need of protection from marine mammals.

    The dBX can provide a mobile zone of securuty as well as move marine mammals from areas of danger.

    The dBX provides effective deterrence in the following applications:
  • Commercial and sport fishing
  • Fish hatcheries with hatch and relase facilities Fish preservation programs Marine mammal protection programs
  • Desing features include:
  • Easy transportation and deployment
  • "Soft-start" feature protects mammals from hearing loss
  • 1.8 kW of output power
  • Standard omni-directional sound projector with 15m (50') of cable
  • Optional sound projector:
  • a- Permanet and portable mounts
    b- Directional sound beams
  • Weight: trasmitter - 9 lb., Projector and cable assembly - 10 lb.
  • System supply voltage : 12/24 VDC
  • Standard cable length : 15m (50')
  • Waterproof case
  • "Soft-start" feature
    Tasmitter includes a unique "soft-start" feature providing a gradual increase in sound output over 70 seconds when 100% output is obtained. Provides warning to divers and avoids possibility of hearing demage to marine mammals.
    Safety Notes
    To ensure safe operating practices, the transmitter cover carries the folowing warnings for divers and operators:
    Temporary or permanent hearing loss may result from underwater exposures to high intensity sound generated by this equipment. This transmitters's "ON-OFF" switch must be in the "OFF" position whenever a person is underwater and withing 150 meters of a projector

    PRICE : EX-WORKS US$ 3.800

    FALKE LTDA. FAX (56-2) 2270021 - FONO(56-2) 2277707 SANTIAG0 / CHILE
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